Countdown to Style Evolution!

Our event is just around the corner and we are busy with the final preparations!

We are accepting Proxy bidding on some of our auction items! If you can not attend, you can still be a part of our auction! Click the AUCTION PROXY tab at the top of the page and help support our charity!

The vendor sales room is another exciting feature of the event. Here is a list of who will be joining us!

You still have time to register! Click the REGISTRATION tab at the top of the page for details!

STYLE EVOLUTION Auction Preview now on!

It's only a few more weeks to our luncheon and the club is hard at work on final preparations!

We are previewing some of our auction donations right now! Click the AUCTION tab at the top of the page to view.

We will be accepting Proxy bidding on some of the auction items. More information on this and more photos are coming soon so check back often!

If you are attending our event, consider entering our competition! Prizes will be awarded and there are categories for everyone to enter. Even if you can't sew!

Hope to see you soon!